The objective of the Dramatic Art Endowment is the development, recording and preservation of Estonian professional dramatic art.
For that purpose, the Endowment supports:
·       experimental creative projects and productions;
·       Estonian Theatre Union publishing and social activity, professional associations;
·       awarding of Estonian Theatre Annual Prizes;
·       professional development, including visiting theatres, participating in projects or productions and travel related to research work;
·       participation of Estonian theatres in festivals abroad;
·       festivals, including primarily drama festivals Draama, Baltoscandal, Treff, Talveöö unenägu and SAAL Biennaal;
·       organisation of master classes, residency, conferences etc. in Estonia;
·       studies abroad – master`s studies of the best Estonian theatre and dance specialties` students;
·       co-financing of inviting visiting producers, artists, choreographers;
·       development of Estonian drama literature and financing playwriting competitions;
·       literary activity related to the introduction of Estonian theatre;
·       creative people that have proved themselves in Estonian theatre;
·       projects that promote performing art, productions that combine various types of art etc.;
·       recording and preservation of dramatic art.
The Dramatic Art Endowment awards grants and benefits and gives awards. The Endowment does not award medicinal products and funeral benefits.

There are following benefits:

*The project benefit which objective is to support activities and events that promote, introduce, popularise or record dramatic art. Applications can be submitted four times a year.

* The activity benefit is intended to support professional and artistic associations involved in the area.

* The creative work benefit which objective is to enable people involved in performing art to devote to creative or research activity, which outcome is a creative or art work to be protected by copyright or performer`s right. The Dramatic Art Endowment awards creative work benefits to producers for staging, to artists, choreographers, creators of sound design, light and audio-visual design of a production, to critics, researchers, dramatists and other author`s. Applications can be submitted four times a year.

* The life`s work benefit is intended to support distinguished and meritorious people in the area of dramatic art. One-time and regular life`s work benefits are awarded. Regular life`s work benefits are awarded at the initiative of the Endowment and one-time life`s work benefits can be applied for four times a year.

*The jubilee benefit with which the Endowment acknowledges outstanding individuals in dramatic art to celebrate their jubilee. Proposals regarding the award of jubilee benefits, which amount is up to 1,000 euros, can be submitted to the Endowment four times a year.

The Dramatic Art Endowment supports professional activity, development of abilities and self-improvement (lifelong learning) of creative people (including producers, artists, dramatists, choreographers, dancers, theatre researchers etc.) by awarding grants.

·         The creative grant and the creative grant for young
Both grants can be applied for four times a year. The amount of the creative grant is up to 1,000 euros and the amount of the creative grant for young is up to 400 euros.

·         The one-year creative grant
Both grants can be applied for four times a year. The amount of the one-year creative grant is up to 2,400 euros and the amount of the one-year creative grant for young (up to 5 years in a theatre) is 1,600 euros.

·         The multiannual creative grant
The Endowment awards multiannual creative grants once a year in the amount of up to 6,000 euros. Physical persons may apply for the grant by submitting a proposal together with reasoning.

·         The study grant for studying in a higher school abroad

The Endowment awards study grants for master`s studies in higher schools abroad for the purpose of obtaining professional education four times a year.

·         The study grant for students and pupils of Estonian theatre and dance specialties

The Dramatic Art School of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EMTA Lavakunstikool), Viljandi Academy of Culture of Tartu University (TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia), the Chair of Theatre Studies of the Institute of Cultural Studies and Art of Tartu University (TÜ kirjanduse- ja kultuuriteaduse teatriteaduse õppetool), the department of choreography of Tallinn University (TLÜ koreograafia osakond), the Scenography Department of the Estonian Academy of Art (EKA stenograafia osakond), Tallinn Ballet School (Tallinna Balletikool) can apply for study grants for their students and pupils. Every year up to 32 study grants, 500 euros each, are awarded.

·         The purpose of the travel grant is to enable creative development, lifelong education and inspiring experience of people actively involved in theatre and dance. The grant is awarded up to four times a year.

·         The purpose of the specialty grant is to support commitment to professional activity.
The Dramatic Art Endowment supports active creative people, researchers, critics, teachers and other promoters of the area and international cooperation by awarding specialty grants. The grant is awarded up to four times a year.

The purpose of the Dramatic Art Endowment awards is to acknowledge the activity of creative people and organisations or to inspire them for further activity.

·         The Endowment`s annual awards
The purpose of the Estonian Theatre Annual Prizes is social recognition and drawing public attention to Estonian dramatic art and its creators. The Endowment awards Estonian Theatre Annual Prizes and named prizes and their amount is determined by the Dramatic Art Endowment upon the application of the Estonian Theatre Union. The annual and named prizes are paid out to physical or legal persons based on the decisions made by the juries chosen by the Estonian Theatre Union. The prize-winners are acknowledged on 27 March at an event organised to celebrate the World Theatre Day or at some other time specified by the statutes of the annual or named prize.  

·         The life`s work award

The purpose of the life`s work award is to acknowledge long-term activity and contribution to the development of the area with 10,000 euros.

·         The acknowledgement award

The Endowment awards acknowledgement awards up to four times a year. The size of the award is up to 2,000 euros and for it to be awarded proposals may be submitted to the Endowment four times a year.

·         The competition award

The award is given to a physical or legal person that is a prize-winner of, has received a diploma or a special prize at a public competition. Legal persons can submit an application to be given the award four times a year.